Good Evening, Girl! (Folk Song from Ukraina)
Les Champs-Elysées (Joe Dassin)
Programme “Folk Songs and Songs”
russ. folk song “In Dark Wood” - [mp3]
"Hey Ookhnem" (Volgasong of Barge Haulers)
ukrain. folk song "The Mildsummer Night" - [mp3]
russ. folk song "Dark Night"
russ. folk song "Well, Brothers" - [mp3]
russ. folk song “Besoms”
russ. folk song "In the Depth of the Wild Taiga " - [mp3]
jewish song “Chiri-Bim”
german drink song “Im Tiefen Keller - [mp3]
russ. folk song "Evening Ringing"
russ. folk song "12 Robbers" - [mp3]
russ. folk song "Bell"
A. Arensky "Night" - [mp3]
A. Borodin "Serenade"
G. Sviridov "Natasha" - [mp3]
N.Rimsky-Korsakov "The Bumblebees Flight " - [mp3]
A.Pakhmutova "Beloveyhskaja Puscha"
I.Luchenok "My Native Land"
A.Ostrovsky "The Tools Sleeping"
S.Rakhmaninov " Vocalise"
S.Rakhmaninov "The Little Island"
J.Brahms “Quand tu Dors Pres de Mois”
G.Faure “Song of the Violet” - [mp3]
K.Orf “Si Puer Cum Puella”
Weekend and Sunshine (Comedian Harmonist)
Bel Ami (Comedian Harmonist)
Programme “Contemporary composers”
G.Sviridov, Spiritual Music
H.Bisso “Agnus Dei” - [mp3]
H.Bisso “Kyrie”
F. Poulenc “Four Small Prayers of Saint Francis of Assisi” - [mp3]
F. Poulenc “Glorifying of St. Antonius of Padua”
R.Tchedrin 4 Songs (Lyrics by A.Tvardovsky) - [mp3]
J. Falik "The Unknown Girl"
J. Falik "A little Thunder"
J. Falik "Winter Night"
H.Sarasola "Neskatx Ederra"
Programme Orthodox Church Music
Anonym "From my Youth" (Byzantinian) - [mp3]
Anonym " The Great Thursday Chant"(1700)
Tsar Theodorus “Virgin Song”
M.Burmagine "The Good Thief - [mp3]
S. Rachmaninov "Virgin Song"
S. Rachmaninov Music from Liturgy and Vespers - [mp3]
I. Stravinsky "Our Father"
P. Tschaikovsky "Holy God"
P. Tschaikovsky "Our Father"
P. Tschesnokov "Rise, God!" - [mp3]
P. Tschesnokov "The Pre-eternal Council”
P. Tschesnokov " God is with Us!"
P. Tschesnokov "My prayer"
G.Sviridov "The Pharisee and the Tax Collector"-[mp3]
G.Sviridov "The Prayer of the Blind"-[mp3]
G.Sviridov "Virgin Song"
G.Sviridov "The Inexpressible Miracle"- [VIDEO!!!]
Programme “Renaissance and Baroque”
Ave Maria (Gregorianischer Choral) - [mp3] Vittoria "Ave Maria"
W. Byrd "Ave Verum Corpus"
Pedro de Christo "Qaeramus cum Pastoribus"
H. Hassler “Dance and Jump”
Orlando di Lasso “I know”
Orlando die Lasso “Audite Nova!”
I.S.Bach “Bist du bei mir” (“If you with me”)
D. Bortnyansky Concert 32
M.Berezovsky “Rejoice!”
Programme “Christmas”
ukrain. Christmas song "The new pleasure"
ukrain. Christmas song "Chedrik"
german Christmas song “O Jesus, sweetly!”
pol. Christmas song “ In a Cradle ”
russ.Weihnachtslied “Koleda”
J.Brahms “Lullaby Song” Vittoria "Ave Maria"
Pedro de Christo "Qaeramus com Pastoribus"- [mp3]
E.Grieg "Ave maris stella " - [mp3]
F. Biebl "Ave Maria"
J. Jourdan. Songs from " Christmas Musical"
Programme J.Jourdan. Composer and Author
J. Jourdan "Petersburg Mass"
J.Jourdan " Christmas Musical" (Fragment „We remain with pleasure“ , Arr.S.Pleshak.) - [mp3]
J.Jourdan "Song of the World" (Arr. S.Pleshak)